
Auckland Opera Studio

Opera is an art form that expresses the full range of human emotions from the greatest joy to deepest despair.

The previous AOS brand marque consisted of a crying eye symbol. As the ‘window to the soul’, eyes are a key conveyor of human emotions. Pupils dilate and contact when scared or enamoured. Tears form in happiness and in grief. The eyes tell every truth of our human condition.

 The new AOS brand identity needed to maintain a reference to the original identity but in a more contemporary and sophisticated way. Taking this inspiration on board, a stylised teardrop shaped ‘iris’ formed out of a radiating halo of lines was created. This new intricate and elegant marque served as a modern reinterpretation of what had gone before. The ‘halo’ also represents the nurturing and protective learning environment that is an integral aspect of the studio. 

As well as a new brand marque, an updated brand kit was created including a new colour palette of deep blue and gold, a more sophisticated use of typography, event staging and promotional materials. 

The new brand identity is also more fitting of the beautifully designed studio space, an old Masonic Hall in St Benedict St Auckland and it more effectively communicates the calibre of talent that makes AOS so unique.